Creating 3D Pipes Program(s): Photoshop Level: Intermediate Tools Used: Alright, this is a very simple tutorial aimed at a medium-beginner user of Photoshop. Pipes, although sometimes [very] overused, add a good amount of depth and detail to a technical or mechanical style illustration. If you're going to take the techno-mechanic path, may as well use pipes... right?
(Mode: Normal, Opacity: 100%, Fade: 0 Steps, Wet Edges: Off, Stylus: All Off)
(Diameter: 12 pixels, Hardness: 60%, Spacing: 1%, Angle: 0, Roundness: 100%)
(Color Indicates: Selected Areas, Color: Red, Opacity: 50%) Now that this is all set up, we can begin working on the pipe thingy. Step 1
One good way of creating smooth pipes is by using the pen path tool (P). One version of the pen path tool, called the freeform pen tool
By using the freeform pen, create a simple path, something like this if you want: After you finish this, open the Paths palette: Right-click on Work Path and choose Stroke Subpath. When asked what tool to use, choose Paintbrush. Press OK and an image like this should be created: Deselect the path by clicking on a blank area in the Paths
window, and switch to Normal mode Select this layer and turn on Preserve Transparency. Set
the foreground color to gray Enable Preserve Transparency for Layer2, and make your foreground color White (255,255,255). Fill Layer2 with the foreground color. Change Layer2's mode to Color Dodge and set it's opacity to 75%. Boom, easy as that. Now it resembles a 3D-ish pipe. But the realism is still pretty low. This pipe is only being lit by one light source, let's add a backlight. Here's where I talk alot without showing you a bunch of pictures. You should already be familiar with everything I'm talking about in the next paragraph by now. First, CTRL+Click on Layer1 to create a selection from the
ase pipe layer. Then choose Select > Feather, and set the feather radius
to 2 pixels. Move the selection with the Marquee Tool There, that's all. Now you're done, and ready to fill Layer1 in with any color or pattern you want. You may also want to add a drop shadow to Layer1. |