Now that
the scene is set it`s time to start adding light. A default
document gives you two light switched on at the start. We will
call these 1.and 2. (figure 5) Click on the two light
switches (named 3. and 4. in fig 5.). When the lights are
TEAL (dark green/blue) they are switched on and will
affect the image.
To start,
click light 1. so that it is TEAL and has a
white line around it (this makes it the active light and its
parameters can be modified in the panel drop-downs below the
switch). Click in the COLOR panel (on the other
side of the screen and pick a cream colour. Then click in the
light colour box (shown red in fig 5.) This makes the light a
cream colour in your image (It will only show correctly when
in BEST RENDER mode).
-Set the LIGHT
INTENSITY slider to .59 |